Roxy |
I love you......Roxy |
Over the past year, I've heard a few animal stories that made me realize the amazing ability of dogs to love.....I have always had dogs in my life and each one of them has taught me a lot about unconditional love .....Just recently, I watched a story on TV about a lady that loved her dog so much, that she was willing to pay a facility in South Korea 50,000.00 dollars to have her beloved pet that died cloned........I don't know that I would ever do that and of course I don't have that kind of money, but I can understand her desire to re-experience the adored love of a pet that she obviously considered "Priceless"..........All of us, I would think, desire unconditional love, and what better way to have that experience than to have a "pet" in your life......I have two darling, tiny, loving, little yorkies.......Mia is eight years old and weighs 5 pounds and Roxy, who is three years old, weighs 4 pounds......both of them together don't weigh as much as one regular size dog, but they dish out more unconditional love than I could possibly need in two lifetimes.....lol.......Both of them have bigger than life personalities and their fun outlook on life usually colors my own.......Happiness to them is to cuddle as close as possible and playing with their basket full of toys is the highlight of their day ......They play with each other well, but nothing is as special to them as having my full attention, and when I play toys with them it leads to much unspeakable joy.......
I know I will be safe with you......... |
When you get a pet, a journey begins, one that can bring more love into your life than anything else.....If you allow it, the journey can teach you many things about how vulnerable life can be.....a puppy depends on you for everything.....it is at your mercy at all times........caring for something so helpless can teach us a lot about ourselves......but it also shows us that we can be loved unconditionally......The little eyes that look back at you wants so badly to make you happy, they live for your approval, only wanting to know that in some way they are worthy of your love....a pet trust you, without question.....To your pet, it doesn't matter where you are, what you do, or how life treats you, it doesn't matter if your rich or poor, as long as they can remain by your side, and you can be together.......respect this .......I'm sure it would be hard to find this devotion from anyone except maybe your mother......
Treat me with respect and kindness, my beloved friend, for no heart in this whole world is more grateful for your kindness than the loving heart of me....Don't hit me, teach me with patience, love and understanding, there is nothing that I want more than to please you and make you happy.....Please keep me warm and clean, I'm happiest, when I know that you love me and take the time to care for my needs...Keep me fed and watered for I can not tell you when I am hungry or thirsty...I ask nothing more than to be by your side and to show you how much I love you....Speak to me often, for your voice is my music, as you must know by the fierceness that I wag my tail....I trust you with my life, and I love you unconditionally...Your love is all I need to make me happy until the end of my day's.........
Just knowing that you love me is happiness.........Mia & Roxy |
I will always be there for you............Roxy |
"Dog spelled backwards, spells God"
Maybe this is a sign of why I can love you, no matter what, that my love is unconditional and even during the worst of times, you need not look far, for I will always be right there, by your side, a journey together until the end of my time.....
Happiness can be as simple as playing ball.......Mia |
Mia & Roxy |